[[!img Architecture plan]

using OCS -> rest, easy to replicate

different clients connect to different servers

server under the control of distribution

how to share ?

if we use a central server, who will maintain ?

Garett : applications distributers should not have their own server -> a way to have 3rd party to plug in the system

content identifier on the server

  • desktopfilename
  • version of soft
  • repository ( distro, repo for each distribution ) -> url to metadata
  • distro/version
    no need to filter on server, as the client only show applications that exist

how to play well with 3rd party ? ( OBS, livna ) -> just add another server

need to solve these 2 problem :

  • discover applications
  • discover repositories Frank proposal ( for solving discover repositories ) :

  • add a shared linux ecosystem repositories

  • several client connecting to their server, and also to the shared one