
MbimMessage *       mbim_message_stk_pac_query_new      (GError **error);
MbimMessage *       mbim_message_stk_pac_set_new        (const guint8 *pac_hostcontrol,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            mbim_message_stk_pac_response_parse (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         const guint8 **pac_support,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            mbim_message_stk_pac_notification_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         MbimStkPacType *pac_type,
                                                         guint32 *data_buffer_size,
                                                         const guint8 **data_buffer,
                                                         GError **error);

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_stk_terminal_response_set_new
                                                        (const guint32 response_size,
                                                         const guint8 *response,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            mbim_message_stk_terminal_response_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *result_data_size,
                                                         const guint8 **result_data,
                                                         guint32 *status_words,
                                                         GError **error);

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_stk_envelope_query_new (GError **error);
MbimMessage *       mbim_message_stk_envelope_set_new   (const guint32 data_size,
                                                         const guint8 *data,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            mbim_message_stk_envelope_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         const guint8 **envelope_support,
                                                         GError **error);



mbim_message_stk_pac_query_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_stk_pac_query_new      (GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'Pac' query command in the 'STK' service.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_stk_pac_set_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_stk_pac_set_new        (const guint8 *pac_hostcontrol,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'Pac' set command in the 'STK' service.

pac_hostcontrol :

the 'PacHostcontrol' field, given as an array of 32 guint8 values.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_stk_pac_response_parse ()

gboolean            mbim_message_stk_pac_response_parse (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         const guint8 **pac_support,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'PacSupport' response command in the 'STK' service.

message :

the MbimMessage.

pac_support :

return location for an array of 256 guint8 values. Do not free the returned value, it is owned by message.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if the message was correctly parsed, FALSE if error is set.

mbim_message_stk_pac_notification_parse ()

gboolean            mbim_message_stk_pac_notification_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         MbimStkPacType *pac_type,
                                                         guint32 *data_buffer_size,
                                                         const guint8 **data_buffer,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'DataBuffer' notification command in the 'STK' service.

message :

the MbimMessage.

pac_type :

return location for a MbimStkPacType, or NULL if the 'PacType' field is not needed.

data_buffer_size :

return location for the size of the data_buffer array.

data_buffer :

return location for an array of guint8 values. Do not free the returned value, it is owned by message.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if the message was correctly parsed, FALSE if error is set.

mbim_message_stk_terminal_response_set_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_stk_terminal_response_set_new
                                                        (const guint32 response_size,
                                                         const guint8 *response,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'Terminal Response' set command in the 'STK' service.

response_size :

size of the response array.

response :

the 'Response' field, given as an array of guint8 values.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_stk_terminal_response_response_parse ()

gboolean            mbim_message_stk_terminal_response_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *result_data_size,
                                                         const guint8 **result_data,
                                                         guint32 *status_words,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'StatusWords' response command in the 'STK' service.

message :

the MbimMessage.

result_data_size :

return location for the size of the result_data array.

result_data :

return location for an array of guint8 values. Do not free the returned value, it is owned by message.

status_words :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'StatusWords' field is not needed.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if the message was correctly parsed, FALSE if error is set.

mbim_message_stk_envelope_query_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_stk_envelope_query_new (GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'Envelope' query command in the 'STK' service.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_stk_envelope_set_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_stk_envelope_set_new   (const guint32 data_size,
                                                         const guint8 *data,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'Envelope' set command in the 'STK' service.

data_size :

size of the data array.

data :

the 'Data' field, given as an array of guint8 values.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_stk_envelope_response_parse ()

gboolean            mbim_message_stk_envelope_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         const guint8 **envelope_support,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'EnvelopeSupport' response command in the 'STK' service.

message :

the MbimMessage.

envelope_support :

return location for an array of 32 guint8 values. Do not free the returned value, it is owned by message.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if the message was correctly parsed, FALSE if error is set.