lt-mbimcli [OPTION?] - Control MBIM devices

   Help Options:
       -h, --help
              Show help options

              Show all help options

              Show Basic Connect Service options

              Show Phonebook Service options

              Show Device Service Stream options

              Show Microsoft Firmware ID Service options

              Show Microsoft Host Shutdown Service options

              Show AT&T Device Service options

              Show Intel Firmware Update Service options

       Basic Connect options

              Query device capabilities

              Query subscriber ready status

              Query radio state

              Set radio state

              Query device services

              Query PIN state

       --enter-pin=[(current PIN)]
              Enter PIN
              Query PIN list

              Query home provider

              Query preferred providers

              Query visible providers

              Query registration state

              Launch automatic registration

              Query signal state

              Query packet service state

              Attach to the packet service

              Detach from the packet service

              Query connection state (SessionID is optional, defaults to 0)

              Connect (allowed keys: session-id, apn, auth (PAP|CHAP|MSCHAPV2), username, password)

              Query IP configuration (SessionID is optional, defaults to 0)

              Disconnect (SessionID is optional, defaults to 0)

              Query packet statistics

              Query IP packet filters (SessionID is optional, defaults to 0)

       Phonebook options

              Query the phonebook configuration

       Device Service Stream options

       --dss-connect=[(UUID),(Session ID)]
              Connect DSS session

       --dss-disconnect=[(UUID),(Session ID)]
              Disconnect DSS session

       Microsoft Firmware ID options

              Query firmware ID

       Microsoft Host Shutdown options

              Notify that host is shutting down

       AT&T Device Service options

              Query signal info

              Query cell location

       Intel Firmware Update Service options

              Reboot modem

   Application Options:
       -d, --device=[PATH]
              Specify device path

       -p, --device-open-proxy
              Request to use the 'mbim-proxy' proxy

       --no-open=[Transaction ID]
              Do not explicitly open the MBIM device before running the command

              Do not close the MBIM device after running the command

       --noop Don't run any command

       -v, --verbose
              Run action with verbose logs, including the debug ones

              Run action with no logs; not even the error/warning ones

mbimcli                                                                       January 2018                                                                    MBIMCLI(1)

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