Theme Package Specification (Draft)


This specification is designed to provide a desktop neutral way to package multiple themes inside a single 'metatheme', it does not explain where themes should go.

It should bring artists and users together, allow artists to create a collection of themes building a certain look and users can install that same collection at the touch of a button to get the look the artist designed.

Themes should be installed as specified by the DesktopThemeSpec.

Theme Package Structure

A theme-package is an archive containing several different kinds of themes and a themepackage file describing all the contents. The archive should be a gzip-compressed tarball with a .theme extension.

Individual themes are located in different folders, see below:


Theme Package Description

The Theme``Package.index file should be formatted as followed:

Theme Name

    [ThemePackage Entry]
    Name=Example theme

The Name of the theme, it is required for identification-purposes.

Desktop-file version


The Desktop-file syntax version, this field must be present.



The mime-type, this field must be present and have the value X-Theme``Package.


    Maintainer=John Doe <john DOT doe AT freedesktop DOT org>

The Theme``Package maintainer, this field should be present and formatted as followed

Name < email >

If for some reason this field is not available, Theme-manager implementations may choose to warn a user about this fact.

Theme version


The Theme``Package version-number (increases with every update), this field should be present and formatted as followed

a[.b[.c[.d[.e]]]] Where a, b, c, d and e are numbers between 0 and 4294967296 (32 bits unsigned integers).

Theme components


A list of themes contained within the ?ThemePackage, these strings MUST represent the folder-names inside the archive. However, since not every theme-category might be available, some of the items from this list could be missing. (eg, if it does not contain an icon-theme, just leave out the 'icons' entry from this list)

It is possible to include any theme-category to a theme-package, given it adheres to the following rules:

  • the category should be unique (eg, it can't be called gtk-2.0 and conflict to existing gtk themes)
  • the theme should be installed in $XDG_DATA_DIRS/themes
    • This means that the theme data-files can be found in $XDG_DATA_DIRS/themes/THEME_NAME/COMPONENT_NAME/ where THEME_NAME equals the Name field from the Theme``Package.desktop file, and the COMPONENT_NAME equals the name of a theme-category. Applications which install themes may choose which components to install but it should also provide an option to install all available components.

Component-related information

You may add an individual section for certain package-components, this can be used to add additional information regarding the individual theme-author and license related to the specific themes.

Author(s) / Artist(s) name(s)
    Authors=Jane Doe <jane AT freedesktop DOT org>; John Doe <john AT freedesktop DOT org>

The author(s) of the component theme, this field may be present.

Name < email >[; Name < email >[; etc...]]

Theme Component Name
    Name=Component Theme Name

The component's theme name, this is optional and overrides the ThemePackage name for a component. It is useful when a ThemePackage is filled with several pre-existing themes.

Theme Component Description
    Description=This Example theme gives the User Interface an olive-greenish look.

This field provides a description about the specific component.

Theme Component License Information

The License under which the component is distributed, if this field is missing or empty a theme-manager may choose to notify the user about such fact.

ThemePackage.index Example

    [ThemePackage Entry]
    Name=Example theme
    Maintainer=John Doe <john AT freedesktop DOT org>

    Authors=Jane Doe <jane AT freedesktop DOT org>; John Doe <john AT freedesktop DOT org>
    Description=This Example theme gives the User Interface an olive-greenish look.

    Authors=John Doe Jr. <john_jr AT freedesktop DOT org>
    Description=This Example theme provides window-decoration with round borders.

    Name=Existing Theme
    Authors=John Doe Jr. <john_jr AT freedesktop DOT org>
    Description=This Example theme provides window-decoration with round borders.

    Authors=John Doe <john AT freedesktop DOT org>
    License=Public Domain